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RESPRO Techno™ PLUS Speed - Masca antipoluare, noxe, praf, polen - include filtru combinat Hepa si Carbune Activ + Pro-Seal #36426

Masca biciclist RESPRO® Techno™ PLUS Speed, anti-poluare, anti-noxe, anti-praf, anti-polen - include filtru combinat Hepa si Carbune Activat + Pro-Seal

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Descriere Techno™ PLUS Speed - Masca antipoluare, noxe, praf, polen - include filtru combinat Hepa si Carbune Activ + Pro-Seal de la RESPRO

Cod producator: respro-techno-plus
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The Respro® Techno Plus™ is the newest addition to our sports range and a move forward in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and style. The Techno Plus™ uses the Proseal® which provides better compliance to the range of face shapes of the global population. This in turn offers better performance and more comfort.

The Techno Plus™ uses a Techno™ filter, which comes fitted with the mask. It is a combination of Hepa-Type™ and DACC™ filter media in one single filter, provides sub-micron (smaller than PM 2.5) dust, gas and vapour filtering capability. This is the best combination of filter specification for dealing with the broad spectrum of pollutants commonly found in major cities across the globe.

A crucial requirement for comfort, is the ability to expel heat and water vapour produced on each breathing cycle. The valves on the Techno Plus™ have been upgraded to Powa™ Elite exhalation valves for humidity control.

As for the styling…. it’s ‘bang on trend’.


Technical Note: This mask SHOULD NOT be used for INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS where a device complying with European Directive 89/686 or 89/656 is required. It should only be used to reduce discomfort caused by exposure to, non-toxic particles where the concentrations do not exceed the National permissible exposure limit for the work place. For devices complying with European Directive 89/686, see our Streetsmart and EV range here.

Proseal® comes fitted
Upgraded to POWA Elite™ valves
Techno™ combination filter for chemical and particle filtration
Cinqro® style fastening plus extension
Made from Neoprene
Available in three sizes
Two sports styles, 'bang on trend'
Includes mesh bag for mask safe keeping

Improves sealing over a wider range of face shapes
Reduces inward leakage
Improved airflow
Reduces inhalation resistance
Filters Particulates ( PM2.5 & sub-micron particulates)
Filters unburnt fuel (VOC's, PAH's, LLO and NOX and SOX)
Fits without fuss
Velcro adjustment for optimal fit
Mask covering and Proseal® washable

Suitable for
All active urban pursuits where poor air quality exists
All year round wearable product
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Opiniile clientilor despre RESPRO Techno™ PLUS Speed - Masca antipoluare, noxe, praf, polen - include filtru combinat Hepa si Carbune Activ + Pro-Seal

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dragos (Braila) - Scor: 5/5 | acum 4 ani

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am comandat L, dar e un pic largă sub barbă și în interior chiar și cu supapele deschise la maxim se acumulează destul de multă apă

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